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Folkvord, F., & Laguna-Camacho, A. (2019). The effect of a memory-game with images of vegetables on children’s vegetable intake: An experimental study. Appetite, 134, 120-124.
Alblas, E. E., Folkvord, F., Anschutz, D. J., van’t Riet, J. P., Ketelaar, P. E., Granic, I., & Buijzen, M. A. (2018). Investigating the impact of a health game on implicit and explicit attitude towards food and food choice behaviour. Appetite, 128, 294-302.
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Anastasiadou, D., Folkvord, F., & Lupiañez‐Villanueva, F. (2018). A systematic review of mHealth interventions for the support of eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 26(5), 394-416.
Folkvord, F., & van‘t Riet, J. (2018). The persuasive effect of advergames promoting unhealthy foods among children: A meta-analysis. Appetite.
Folkvord, F., Lupiáñez-Villanueva, F., Codagnone, C., Bogliacino, F., Veltri, G., & Gaskell, G. (2017). Does a ‘protective’message reduce the impact of an advergame promoting unhealthy foods to children? An experimental study in Spain and The Netherlands. Appetite, 112, 117-123.
Livingstone, S., Ólafsson, K., Helsper, E. J., Lupiáñez-Villanueva, F., Veltri, G. A., & Folkvord, F. (2017). Maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks for children online: The role of digital skills in emerging strategies of parental mediation. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 82-105.
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Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Boyland, E., Kelly, B., & Buijzen, M. (2016). Food advertising and eating behavior in children. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 9, 26-31.
Folkvord, F., Veling, H., & Hoeken, H. (2016). Targeting implicit approach reactions to snack food in children: Effects on intake. Health Psychology, 35(8), 919.
Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., & Buijzen, M. (2016). The association between BMI development among young children and (un) healthy food choices in response to food advertisements: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), 16.
Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Wiers, R. W., & Buijzen, M. (2015). The role of attentional bias in the effect of food advertising on actual food intake among children. Appetite, 84, 251-258.
Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Nederkoorn, C., Westerik, H., & Buijzen, M. (2014). Impulsivity,“advergames,” and food intake. Pediatrics, 133(6), 1007-1012.
Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2012). The effect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 97(2), 239-245.